why do jewish guys watch porn backward?
they like it when the hooker gives the money back.
Whats the diffrence between a Lg. Pizza and a black man?
A Lg. Pizza can feed a family of four.
what is the difference between a black person and an apple?
apples look better hanging from trees.
A mexican and a black man are sitting in a car, who's driving?
the cop
what do you call 4 white men pushing a car down a street? manpower.
what do you call 2 horses pulling a car down a street? horspower.
what do you call 4 black men pushing a car down a street?
What do you call 50,000 black people on the ocean floor?
A good start.
A Jap and a black man jump of a skyscraper who lands first?
who give a fuck?
og til að enda þetta æði þá kemur einn sem er 100% sannleikur
how does every black joke start?
with a white guy looking around to see if any
black people are around
…vona að enginn hafi móðgast af þessu ef svo er, þá skaltu íhuga að fara og læra að taka gríni því ekkert illt var meint með þessu