Dicksmacking is a relatively new concept as far as it’s applications go. But first, what is a Dicksmack? Well, it works like this:
You and a woman are getting it on. She’s going down on you. Quickly
(remember speed is key), extract you member, then, swiveling your hips away (for momentum) you whip your member back around. You member, now traveling quite fast, smacks the woman in the cheek. If done properly, there should be a bruise the approximate dimensions of your unit on her cheek.
This is actually quite useful. The dicksmack can be used as a temporary way of letting other guys know this woman is spoken for. She is not to be messed with, because they will have to deal with you. It can also be used as a cautionary device. Say you and some bar slut got up to her apartment, and she’s already ready for intercourse. Here, the Dicksmack would be appropriate to Smack and Run (thereby leaving her with a Dicksmack). If she were to go out and start to go down with another guy, he would know that she is either a slut, or is cheating on someone with him(almost, but not quite the same thing). In either case, he would be wary to continue intercourse.
Dicksmacking can be used on the buttocks, thighs and groin area’s also, if you’re feeling spunky. If you really take heart to this practice, you can become creative with your Dicksmacking, and create art with multiple smacks. Temporary Art, which is all the rage these days, could be achieved. That is of course, assuming you can get away with more than one Dicksmack a week. One technique not recommended is the “Silver Dollar” in which you Dicksmack, by basicalluy ramming your member into your partner, leaving a “Silver Dollar” on the cheek. This can lead to compaction of the unit. Possibly erectile problems. On the same note, if you have a small unit, others may
laugh, because of your small Dicksmack. In which case, both you and your partner are harassed. This is also symptomatic of a beginner. A full, large imprint of the unit is the trademark of a master. A paltry single line is the work of an amateur. Also, do not grab your unit while in the swing. It slows down the member, therefore leaving leaving less Dicksmack than would be desired.
Be aware that repeated Dicksmacks might lead to relationship problems. Most women do not like being repeatedly bruised. Unless, of course, they are into that sort of thing. But, once a month or so, and She ought not to mind.