Verð að byrja að segja til hamingju Unnur Birna! En ekki verður það lengra.
A small town has a monastery on one end, and convent on the other. The nuns need some supplies, so one of the priests is sent to deliver them. It’s a nice day, so he decides to walk the supplies over.
As he gets to the edge of town, a hooker approaches him and asks, “Hey father, how ’bout a blowjob, 25 bucks?”
The priest says, “What’s a blowjob?” at which the hooker laughs and walks away.
At the center of town, another hooker asks the same thing, with the same result.
At the other edge of town, still another hooker asks him the same question, to which the priest again replies, “What’s a blowjob?” And, again, she laughs and walks off.
Finally the priest reaches the convent, knocks on the door, and delivers the supplies. Before he leaves, he says to the mother superior, “May I ask you a question, sister?”
“Of course,” she says.
“What’s a blowjob?” the priest asks.
“Twenty-five bucks,” says the nun, “same as in town.”