Ekki halda að ég sé með einhverja kynþáttafordóma. En mér fannst þessir brandarar bara mjög fyndnir og vildi endilega deila þeim með ykkur ;).

Why do niggers carry shit in their wallet? Identification. Why do niggers smell so bad? So blind people can hate them too. Why does Stevie Wonder smile all the time? He doesn't know he's black. What do you do when you see a nigger with one leg? Stop laughing and re-load. What's green and pink and purple and orange? A nigger dressed for church. Why are niggers so strong? T.V.'s are getting heavier. Why shouldn't you hit a nigger riding a bike? Because the bike is probably yours. How long does it take a nigger to shit? Nine months. What does a smart nigger, and Santa Clause have in common? They're both fictional characters. What's long and black? The unemployment line. What do you get when you cross a gorilla and a nigger? A dumb gorilla. What do you get when you cross a monkey and a nigger? Nothing, monkeys are too smart to fuck niggers. What do niggers and sperm have in common? Only one in two million work. Why do niggers always have sex on their minds? Because of the pubic hair on their heads. What do you say when you see your t.v. floating around at night? Drop it nigger.