Ég nenni ekki að þýða þetta en lesið samt:

One spring day two brothers were walking home from school. They were carrying a large bag of merbles. There was hole in the bag. When they came to the gate of a graveyard two marbles fell out of the bag. ‘‘We’ll get those marbles later!’’ said one of the boys. ‘‘lets’ go into the graveyard an share the marbles between us.’’ They sat behind a gravestone and started to share them out. Just then little girl came into the graveyard. Sddenly she heard a voice come from behind the gravestone. ‘‘One for me and one for you, one for you and one for me.’’ She was very scared and ran to the gate. A policeman was just walking past the gate. ‘‘Wath’s the matter , little girl?’’ the policeman asked. ‘‘Oh, Mr Policeman, there are ghosts in there, who are counting dead bodies.’’ They both listened and they heard a voice say ‘‘One for me and one for you, and we mustn’t forget those two by the gate.’’

Brostu framan i heiminn og hann lemur thig til baka i andlitid…