Little Johnny was only 12-years-old. He had been
hearing a lot about courting from the older boys, so he
asked his mother what and how it was done.

She told him to hide behind the curtains one night and
watch his older sister and her boyfriend. This Johnny
did, and this is what Johnny told his mother later.

“Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for awhile, then
they turned off the lights, all but the blue one. Then
the boyfriend began kissing her and putting his hand
under her blouse.

”Pretty soon they began to pant and get out of breath,
and then he took his hand from inside her blouse and
put it under her dress. When he did this, Sis began to
moan, sigh, squirm, and scoot down toward the edge of
the couch, until soon she was lying down. Then he
unzipped his pants and pulled out a big eel about 10“
long. It was standing up and he had it in his hand to
keep it from getting away. Sis started to help him and
they both wrestled it. Finally, Sis held it while he
took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the
eel's head to keep it from biting. Sis had both hands
on it, and she spread both her legs to she could get a
better hold on it.

He helped her by laying on the eel. Soon they got the
eel between them, and Sis wrapped her arms and legs
around her boyfriend and they started to wrestle that
darned eel between them, and that eel put up one hell
of a fight. Sis squealed and her boyfriend almost upset
the couch, and for a minute I thought the darned thing
was going to get away from them, but Sis grabbed it
just as it was going to get away from them and stuck it
back between her legs. Pretty soon they gave a big long
sigh and grunted and stopped moving.

”Her boyfriend got up and they sure had killed that
eel because he hung, limber as a hot water bottle, with
some of its insides hanging out. Sis and her boyfriend
were all tired out from the battle. They started loving
and kissing again, and by gosh, that eel came out and
wanted to fight again. Sis gave a squeal and grabbed it
in record time, and the way they both wrestled and
battled with it-it was the best wrestling match I ever
saw. This time they had a longer struggle, but Sis and
her boyfriend finally won!

They really killed him this time because her boyfriend
pulled its skin off and flushed it down the toilet."