One day, a little girl was walking along the beach and saw a naked man. Looking down, she asked the man, “What's that?”

“It's my bird,” the man replied.

“Well, can I play with it?”

“Only if you go and ask your mom first,” he answered.

Hearing this, the little girl ran home to her mother and asked her, “Mommy, can I play with a man's bird?”

The mother, thinking it was a normal bird, replied, “Okay, honey.”

When the girl got back to the beach, the man was sleeping. When the man woke up he found himself lying in a hospital bed with the girl standing beside him. Confused, he asked her, “What happened?”

The girl promptly replied, “Well, when I was playing with your bird, he spit on me, so I bit off his head, cracked his eggs and burnt his nest.”