The way to a womans heart, is through her broken ribs…

Forget roses. Forget expensive boxes of candy. Forget moonlit walks along the beach. Forget every piece of advice you've heard.

If you want to impress a woman, think black eyes, fat lips, broken noses, and romantic evenings in the emergency room. On the way to the hospital, open the lines of communication by deciding if the little lady should claim that she fell down the stairs or off of her bike.

Don't listen to women who say they crave caring, touchy-feely men.Women only want a sensitive man until a real man walks through the door. As long as men cater to the whims and destructive nature of women, men will continue to bury their rage and become the sissy-boys women don't really want.

When my great-grandfather stepped off of the boat from Spain, he met a redheaded slut who was 17 years his junior. He married her, and she ruled the roost until his death at age 94. Once, she poured hot coffee on him when he overheard her telephone conversation with her taxi-driver lover. She had no respect for him because he let her dominate him.

At my great-grandfather's funeral, my great-grandmother's brother muttered to the corpse, “I told you that you should have smothered her with a pillow.” And he should have. The family would have helped hide the body.

But I have no sympathy for my great-grandfather. He had the opportunity to put an end to his abuse. Had he popped her once – broken a few of her bones or drawn some blood – or shoved his throbbing chorizo down her dirty Italian throat, she would have become the subservient cocksocket she was destined to be.

His abuse continued unabated because women, as much as they claim that they want a sensitive man, have no respect for men who treat them like delicate princesses. As soon as a man shows a little sensitivity, his girlfriend or wife is getting pearl necklaces from his best friend.

And if Mr. Nice Guy reaches his breaking point after walking in on his girlfriend getting nailed by a UPS driver, his ass will be in jail before the cum-stained sheets dry. Tenderizing the cunt's face might be right, but it's not legal.

Women are confused. They don't want sensitive men because they're too weak, but when men overpower them, they run to the police because they know that their power lies in manipulation. They're only independent, strong crusaders until the fist hits the face. It would be almost admirable if they were consciously playing both sides of the fence, but they lack the intelligence to do so.

Statistics show that women are just as likely to be the instigators of domestic violence as men, and if they don't directly cause the abuse session, they indirectly cause it by pushing buttons.

Women aren't timid, peace-loving creatures. In a female-dominated world, violence wouldn't be eradicated. Studies estimate the rate of domestic violence among lesbians is comparable to the rate of domestic violence among heterosexuals, showing that the warm embrace of a woman is often preceded by a right hook.

Women have become the sexually abused children of the ‘90s. No one doubted the “precious, innocent” children in the myriad sex abuse cases that rocked the ’80s. Now, no one doubts women. If she says it was abuse, it was abuse. If she neglects to mention that she destroyed her boyfriend's vast pornography collection and tithed ten percent of his income to the Church, so much the better for the women's movement.

Women like a good fight but only on their conditions, and those conditions are rarely expressed to their partners. Emotions eventually take over. The novelty of a tough boyfriend wears off. She either expects him to change his ways - her ultimate goal, even though the reformed abuser will bore her to tears – or he will pay the price. A whipped man is a man who garners no respect from his woman, but an aggressive man is a man who will awaken to find his bed engulfed in flames.

Men can't win. Here's a tube of AstroGlide. Use it, and save yourself the hassle of a relationship.

But men get off easy. They can go home at the end of the day, forget that real-life women exist, and jerk off into a sock to thoughts of acquiescent whores. I'm a woman, and the hypocrisy displayed by women affects my standing in the world. I can't avoid them. I can't ignore them.

While this attitude can be tolerated in the bedroom and home – how Kristy treats her husband has little bearing on my life – its spread to the real world marks trouble for the rare woman with a brain and a touch of sanity. (And perhaps, too much testosterone.)

If Kristy spends her evenings ridiculing her boyfriend's sexual prowess, boohoo for the emasculated shit, but unless his repressed anger manifests itself in a lunchtime shooting at the local Taco Bell, it won't affect me. When Kristy spends her evenings devising how she can force her company's insurance policy to cover costly infertility treatments, it doesn't bode well for women who just want a paycheck and not a company-sponsored designer baby.

Even Lifetime, the television station that bills itself as for women, frequently shows movies about insane, irrational women. Women who steal babies. Women who kill pregnant women, rip out their babies, and claim the infants as their own. Women who stalk their ex-husbands. Women who kill their ex-husbands and their ex-husbands' new wives. Women who can't have babies, go nuts and shoot elementary school students. Women who are depressed. Women who are depressed ands uicidal. Women who are victims.

And that's the crux of the women's movement – women are victims. They need help to become strong, and if they're not strong enough, they need protection.

Women claim that they want equality, but they still want to be coddled. They pout and stomp their feet when their boyfriends take too long to buy a $5000 diamong ring, but they cry out that they “don't need no man” when their boyfriends refuse to deal with an unexpected pregnancy.

Is it any wonder that men don't know what the fuck women are about?

Contrary to what directors of women's studies programs would have us believe, women are not tools of the patriarchy. Women are the patriarchy.

Women are their own worst enemy. They place themselves in positions where they need an authorative figure to rule them. Their inherent nature makes the patriarchy necessary. They want to join the Army. But they don't want to be in combat. They want to join the police force. But they don't want to meet the same standards as men. They want to go to college. But they don't want it to be too hard.

College standards have decreased over the years. At some institutions, a score of 82 is considered an “A-.” This coincides with women becoming the majority on college campuses. Coursework is dumbed down because administrators reason that women are too weak and inferior to grasp difficult material, and college women lap it up.

Women have the benefit of attending college, but they also have the benefit of still being looked at as damsels in distress who need a little extra help.

I was not refused a tubal ligation because the male doctor was a misogynist, although no one could fault him for being one. I was refused a tubal ligation because he had dealt with so many spineless, overemotional women, it was natural for him to assume that I was no different than the rest of my gender.

Feminism now equates womanhood with motherhood. “Women's issues” revolve around extended maternity leave and lactation rooms, expanded date rape laws and increased funding for abused women shelters. It's not about women demonstrating that their skills and talent rival those of men. It's about milking their victim status, while simultaneously claiming to be equals.

Even feminists accept that there are differences between the genders. I recently received a poem from a woman who refuses to call herself a feminist because “women's struggle for equality is a joke, what they don't realize is that they don't need to be equal cuz they're already more evolved.”

And why does she allege that women are more evolved? According to the poem she sent:

our two governing hormones could not be more different
one feels, empathizes, cares, preserves
the other ravages, wounds, takes, destroys
how then did the latter succeed the former?
who decided that life is but sex, power and pain?
women didn't but were imposed upon because they are physically weaker thus i go along and live a life that is not mine
and pretend to be equal in this deceitful matrix of freedom

Feel. Nurture. Empathize. Care. Preserve.

Yet, the majority of children are abused and killed by their mothers.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, a feminist will proudly proclaim. And it's true. Men rarely become serial killers because their fathers abandoned them or beat them senseless. They usually become serial killers because Mommy dressed them as girls or made them lie in their urine-soaked sheets for hours as punishment.

An absent or abusive father might cause a man to become a thief or a one-off murderer, but it takes a mommy to make a man twisted.

And when her golden son is accused of rape, will Mommy be there to defend him? If he attends Columbia University in New York City, it's doubtful.

Columbia's new policy on sex crimes is the product of a long campaign by campus activists determined to abolish procedures they considered a hindrance to the punishment of sexual assault, sexual harassment, date rape and other sexual offenses. Under the old rules, an accused person had the right to confront his or her accuser, the right to confront or examine a witness and the right to have an attorney present during university proceedings.

Columbia's new policy does not grant accused students, faculty or staff the right to be present when accusers or witnesses testify. Accused individuals are no longer guaranteed the right to cross examine such witnesses, or have an attorney present.

Power through manipulation. “I was raped. ::wink, wink:: And the rape was so traumatic, I can't possibly face the accused or be questioned about the attack. You just have to believe me. I wouldn't lie because lying about rape takes away from women who are really raped.”

Women want it all, but they don't want to take responsibility for any of it. They want a career. But it can't be too challenging or harmful to their self-esteem. They want husbands. But they can't be sensitive or abusive. They want to enter institutions that were previously reserved for men. But they want lower standards. They want kids. But they don't want to have to care for them exclusively. They want to have sex. But they want the right to claim it was rape if the guys don't call them in the morning. They want men who will care for their kids. But they won't let the men care for their kids because they don't do it properly, and they reserve the right to bitch that the men don't do anything to help.

Come to think of it, women have no idea what they want.

If you wish to help the woman in your life, knock out her front teeth. She'll thank you after you've served your time.