Two men meet at the pearly gates of heaven. The first man says to the
second, “Hey! How did you die?” The second man says, “I froze to death.”
“Wow that must be a terrible way to die. What does it feel like?” asks
the first man. “Well at first it hurts,” says the second man, “But after
a while everything goes numb and it's very peaceful. Like drifting off
to sleep almost. How did you die?” “Oh I had a heart attack,” says the
first man. “You see, I knew my wife was cheating on me. So I came home
early one day to catch her in the act. I ran into her room but she was
sitting there knitting. So I ran down to the basement and no one was
there. I ran to the first floor but no one was there either. So I ran up
the steps to the attic but just as I was halfway up the steps I had a
massive heart attack and died.” “How ironic,” Says the second man.
“Why's that?” Says the first. “If you'd only looked in the freezer then
we'd both still be alive.”