A koala walks into a bar, and sits down to order a drink. The bartender - slightly surprised - asks what the koala is doing there.
“I'm in town to get me some pussy”, proclaims the koala loudly.
A prostitute sitting nearby slides up to the bear, fondles him slightly, and asks if she will do?
“Alright”, says the bear, and they go into the back room.
Once inside, the koala tells the prostitute to lie on the bed. This she does, and the koala eats her pussy in a truly proffessional manner – she is beside herself with extasy.
But then, all of a sudden, he gets up to leave.
“Where are you going?”, she asks. “Out”, he says.
“But….ehhrr…my money…” she stutters. The koala looks non-comprehending. “Well, I am a prostitute”, she explains. The koala looks clueless. She does not know how to explain her profession to him, so she passes him a dictionary and tells him to look it up.
“Prostitute: A woman who grants sexual favours in return for monetary remuneration.”, reads the koala.
“Well….?”, asks the prostitute, “can I have my money?”.
“Nope”, says the koala, “look up koala bear.” He tosses the disctionary to the prostitute and leaves.
She looks up koala:
“Koala Bear: Furry little aminal that eats bush and leaves”
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