hvað heitir þanna lagið með Christina Aguilera textinn byrjar einhvern veginn svona: Young girl don´t cry I´ll be right you with your…dust of fall úúú young girl it´s all right your tears will dry you´ll soon be free to fly.?<br><br><font color=“lime”>_____________________________________________</font>

<b><font color=“green”>I mean, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch
-spit-on-your-neck fantastic
</font></b> <font color=“blue”> - Rachel þegar að Ross kom með Julie heim frá Kína :P</font>
<b>For the love of god take that off!</b>
<font color=“maroon”>- Ross við Joey í 8.þætti í 10.seríu :D</font>
<font color=“red”>kærlig hilsen, Ripp :o)</font>
I mean, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch