(höfuðstöðvar bresku leyniþjónustunnar)
Captain: For god´s sake try to lose some weight.
Fat Bastard: ooh i´m a hard case he say´s ..well listen up i ate a baby..baby it´s whats for dinner..
(dr evils seacret volcano lair)
Fat bastard: first things first where´s your shitter i gotta turtlehead pokin out…oohhhh it´s all squidgee…ohh i´m getting all emotional about this…
Dr.Evil: oh god
Fat Bastard: uu he´s tiny ..wait a minute..he kinda looks like a baby..listen Dr evil i´ll make you a deal you keep your money and your mojo and i get the baby (smjatt)..get in my belly i´m bigger than you i´m higher in the food chain.