It has been announced that the movie will start with the Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, making a speech about how times will “grow darker still” to Ministry employees. There will also be a scene with Neville, Luna, and Ginny on the Hogwarts Express. It is thought that a chase scene on land will be added into the 7 Potter fight sequence. It has been anounced that Bill will be attacked during the Battle over Little Whinging. It has been hinted at that an extended wand battle between Umbridge and Harry will be included and a chase scene with the Snatchers will take place during the films climax. Also, judged by the pictures, Harry Potter will most likely not be disguised as “Barny Weasley” during the wedding. The Ron and Hermione kiss is thought to be changed to take place in the Chamber of Secrets.
It has been announced that the character Vincent Crabbe will not appear in the movie due to the drug charges against actor Jamie Waylett, and that Gregory Goyle will die in his place.
Miða við að Bill er að koma í fyrsta sinn í þessari mynd, finnst mér þetta vera besti staðurinn til að hafa árásina á honum. Hinar breytingarnar virðast vera í lagi svo fremi sem þær verða ekki hræðilegar.
Eina vandamálið við þetta er að Goyle mun deyja. Áreiðanlega með verstu breytingum sem ég veit um á Harry Potter mynd. Hefði verið sáttari með annan leikara en Jamie Waylett sem Crabbe.
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