“Weasels can bite Basilisk to death.”
(skemmtilegt er að Weasley fjölskyldan hefði drepið Basilik-slönguna)
“…(Regulus) and never left the enemy till he was stretched dead on the plain”
(Kannski er bróðir Sirius ekki saklaus eftir all saman)
“Those who went to hunt the basilisk took with them a mirror, which reflected back the deadly glare upon its author, and by a kind of poetical justice slew the basilisk with his own weapon.”
(þetta vita allir)
“In other works, the elixir, or Philosopher’s Stone, a potent and mysterious catalyst that was said to turn whatever it touched to gold, cure all ills, and confer eternal life was called the basilisk or cockatrice.”
(Þetta á að vera Merki slöngunnar. Það stóð allavega í textanum…ætli það séu einhver tengsl við Slytherin eða Voldemort við steininn, annað en það að hann vildi komast yfir hann. Kannski hefði hann eflst enn meir með slönguna og steininn, einhver heilög þrenning)
The Basilik: “A poor sinner was found who had been sentenced to death. He was clad in leather clothes draped with mirrors. His eyes were protected by strong glasses. With a candle in one hand and pincers in the other he went down the vault. There after half an hour search he found a strange creature of the size of a cock sitting in a crevasse of the wall. It was at once killed when it saw its own image reflected by the mirrors.”
(það vita nú allir að þetta er eftir þjóðsögu)
“It has to be born from a shell-less egg, which is laid by a seven-old-year cock during the period when Sirius the Dog Star can be seen in the sky.”
(Jahá, Sirius the dog star. Einhver tengsl?)
“The antique Romans called him ‘regulus’”
(sem sagt slönguna. Hvað er í gangi eiginlega. Allt að blandast saman?)
Það sem ég rakst á meira í textanum, en kemur kannski ekki neinu við :O)… veit kannski aldrei
Vatn er gott