
Rifrildið milli Sigga og Péturs sem snerist fyrst um einhver feis og eitthvað en færist svo úti Harry Potter rugl.

(tekið af íslenskri bloggsíðu) (nöfnum hefur verið breytt)

Rifrildið byrjaði ekki þarna, ef ég myndi taka það allt væri ég hér í alla nótt.


heyrðu nú mig ég vona að þú sért ekki að halda því fram að Gunni hafi segt að Siggi missti pelan…..það var mín smíði….og já Gunni er sannkallaður meistari feisa….besta var þegar hann feisaði Möggu þegar hún var að dissa “hemonie” og “ron”


Nei auðvitað ekki, þú átt það algjörlega.

Ég var bara að skjóta á Sigga með þinni hjálp. Þetta er sígilt, algjört ROFL.

Siggi :

Æ Æ er Pétur búinn með feis bankann sinn og byrjaður að stela frá öðrum. áts very very áts.

Pétur :

át very very áts (stolið)

Svo kemur eitthvað Harry Potter rugl

Albus Dumbledore :

Siggi you young foolish man.

You will suffer the painful death.

,,Dumbledore mumbled some words and flicket the wand lazy wand at Pétur and he was torn in two parts instantly.

Pétur :

Góður Siggi (ef þetta varst þú að segja, ég er samt ekki að trúa því að Dumbledore myndi gera þetta við mig, dyggan stuðningsmann sinn).

Albus Dumbledore :

,,Oh foolish fool! You never got it, did you? I m loyal to master Siggi…``

Dumbledore sat with thinking face, then the old man rose up but you could see the a strange look in he s eyes, but a pinch of crazyness too, and flicked he s wand in lazy round circle and started to torture Pétur and you could here horrible screams…

The Minister of magic :

Albus Dumbledore, you have been found guilty of using a unforgivable spell on a young boy. I and my fellow members of the minister of magic have decided to send you to Azkaban prison, there you will remain forever, forever, foverer………….

We have decided to kill Siggi for being Siggi. That is a serious crime.

Albus Dumbledore :

,,Why send me to Azkaban? I could break out, of course, but what a waste of time, and frankly I can think of a whole host of things I d rather be doing…like torturing Pétur! I will also protect Siggi from Azkaban and we will torture everyone at the Ministry of magic with he s great silent torture spell…``.

Dumbledore walked slowly on the pavement towards Péturs house. He could see the windows glitter in the moonlight. He saw some kids play at the playground next to he s house and killed them so they wouldn t be any problem.

Dumbledore crashed trough the door and found Pétur up in he s room writing comments on blog sites. You could see the terror in he s eyes when Dumbledore tortured him. Then a green light swifted trough the room and he died instantly.

Pétur :

Dumbledore á ekki roð í mig. Smá Crucio hér, smá Crucio þar og síðan Avada Kedavra alls staðar og þá er það bæ bæ fyrir Dumbledore. Hvort sem er orðinn of gamall kallinn.

The Dragon Slayer :

I am a contract killer and I have been hired by Pétur to kill Siggi and Dumbledore in a very horrible way.
First I am going to break into Siggis house and burn all his Harry Potters books (very extreme) and break the Battifield disk that he loves so much (nerd).
Then I am going to teach Dumbledore what the word pain really means with the hard way.
Then last but not least, I m going to piss on their graves.

With best of luck “The Dragon Slayer”
Say your prayers, I m coming……….

J.K. Rowling :

Do to the very violent behaviour of Siggi and Pétur Harry Potter super nerds, i have decided to stop writing the Harry Potter books.

(until someone shoves a very uncofortable object up there asses. (Or sends me Péturs brain for research)



Svona var þetta rifrildi milli Sigga og Péturs afsakið ef þetta er ruglingslegt svona var þetta á síðunni. Þeir tóku sér semsagt nöfn þesara persóna í bókinni.

“I'm not xenophobic, I just hate everyone.”