Ég hef ekki lesði þetta, en það er oft mælt með þessu
Inevitable by Madelynn Lilly Evans, it seems, has been fighting the inevitable all her life. From trying to fit in to James Potter to what will ultimately be her end. But in between the biggest events of her life were other things, little things. Things that Harry will never know about, because there's no one left to tell.
James Potter and the Year of Chasing by Ashfae James Potter has just started his sixth year at Hogwarts. He and his three best friends are looking forward to exploring Hogwarts, playing Quidditch, and causing trouble whenever possible. James is confident he's up to any challenge the year can throw at him… until he meets Lily Evans.
Paragons by The Raven James likes Lily. Maybe not as much as he likes Quidditch. She might like him, too - but unfortunately, Sirius, Remus and Peter have got it in their heads to be helpful. The Slytherins are less than amused by proceedings. Complications ensue.
Persistence by Zetta Zofia Once upon a time, there was a boy who liked a girl. He asked her out. She said no. He asked her again. And again. And again. And again… L/J ficlet, short and sweet.
Tripping down the aisle by Bluebottlebutterfly James and Lily have decided to make it official. But between the Order, Gideon Prewett, and the fact that they can't agree on anything; that aisle looks pretty far away…with Jealous! James, Frazzled!Lily, Flirty!Sirius, Traitor! Peter, and that inevitable Marauder-orchestrated bachelor party. There's no need to bring champagne–they've got plenty.
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