Why being way greater than everyone else may not be good.



“Hello, Dean. Hello, Seamus. Hello, Colin. Hello, Hermione. What are you doing?” Harry asked when he saw them sitting together in the Gryffindor common room. Because, seeing the four of them together was utterly absurd.

“We are planning a picnic. We were talking about picnics at breakfast when suddenly, Professor Dumbledore was standing beside us and asking us to plan one… Only he only would have had to ask Hermione. We aren't exactly doing anything. She's the boss, self-nominated and all.” Colin said, but as anyone should know, he and everyone else in the scene were not pure-bloods.

“I'm not bossy. You are helping too. I listen to your ideas, only they suck, so mine will be the ones we carry out.” she said, and continued to write down her marvellous ideas.

“Harry, would you excuse us for a second? We have to help Hermione to see the light…” Dean said, and proceeded to push Harry up to their dormitory.

When they arrived there, Dean slammed the door close, after leaving of course, so Harry was alone in the room. Or was he?

“Hello, Harry. I always like to wait here in your dormitory, until you come. That way, I can go through your stuff and steal what I like…” Ginny said. She did this quite often, but much to my dismay, they never snogged or, uh, *hem, hem*. They were quite a decent couple. Only Ginny sometimes did want a bit more, Harry always stopped her. You see, they had accidentally made a magical contract to Ron, that stated that they wouldn't do anything to make Ginny “a scarlet woman” as Ron so very well said. So they can't snog until Ron finds a way to lift the contract, but they keep him at wand point, or get a volunteer, in the library until he finds a way. He's been searching for four weeks now, and is missing a lot of classes…

"Do what you like with my things. I really don’t mind.” Harry said, and proceeded to hop three laps around the room.

“Uh! It’s no fun having a whipped boyfriend that I can’t snog! You’re lucky I’ve loved you since before my birth or you’d be S-I-N-G-L-E. Single!” she said, quite annoyed.

Silence took over.

So, while they sat in silence, snogging in their minds, a loud *CHICKEDYCHAC* sound came from the common room. Naturally, they rushed downstairs to the common room to check what exactly was wrong.

“Nothing wrong here, folks! Only a missaid (A muffled sound, that sounded awfully much like ‘That’s not a word!’ could be heard) spell. Go now! Shush! Higgedy-hi to your dormitories!” Dean said.

“Hey guys, where’s Hermione?” Harry said, when the crowd had left and he noticed that only Colin, Dean and Seamus were there.

“She went to the moon. Don’t ask me why. She’ll be back in a week or two. Or three. Four at the most.”

“Why’d she go to the moon?” Ginny asked.

“Said something about researching the bright side of the moon. Said it mattered dearly to Hookchanks…” Dean said, before being rudely interrupted by Harry.


“I said that. Mattered dearly to Bookflanks that she’d do so. Don’t ask me why.” Dean said.

“Why does it matter so much to Crookshanks?” Ginny asked.

“Because his brother is said to be the moon itself, and Shooklanks wants to know more about his bright side. Don’t ask me why she didn’t just research Lookbanks’ bright side.” Dean said.

“Why didn’t she just research Crookshanks’ bright side?” Ginny asked.

“Because he ordered her not to.” Dean said.

“Okay.” Harry and Ginny said in unision, totally believing him.