Sniiiðugt :o)
Ég held að Abra kedabra merki eitthvað í raun og veru, man ekki alveg hvað það var…
Kannski það tengist eitthvað Avada Kedavra…kannski er setningin upprunalega svona eins og þú segir. :o)
Hér er smá klausa sem ég fann um þetta:
Here's a mythological reference to “Abra Kadabra” which implies making something disappear.
In a civilization which I cannot recall there was a great belief that witchdoctors could heal people through magical remedies. They used to place a sign over victims posessing fevers, or other illnesess that read:
Abra Kedabra
Abra Kedabr
Abra Kedab
Abra Ked
Abra Ke
Abra K
The ill person wore this sign for a period of time, which I also cannot recall (around 2 weeks, I think) and nearly everytime the illness had gone away. Since, we know the best way to get rid of fevers is to let them pass over time, the spell probably did nothing but increase faith in being healed.
og enn meira:
I do believe it was a second-century Gnostic poem where abracadabra turned up for the first time.
There are several ideas as to where the word itself sprung from. It might be a combination of Herew ab (“father”), ben (“son”), and ruach acadosch (“holy spirit”) for instance.
It is true that the word was written in a triangle and hung around your neck in order to cure fever or anything, but I am too lazy to look up the whole story right now.)
There is also a very nice anecdote about the origin of the incantation hocus pocus: this one is said to be a corruption of Latin hoc est enim corpus meum, “for this is my body”, spoken during the consecration of the Roman Catholic Mass when the wine and wafer are said to be transformed into the body and blood of Christ.
Avada Kedavra, on the other hand, is actually armaic. It is said “abbhada kedhabhra” and means “Disapear from this world”. There is no evidence, however, that this involves murder or, indeed, human death at all.
Ef að “abbhada kedhabhra” þýðir ‘disapear from this world’, ætli þá að bölvunin Avada kedavra sé ekki beint dauðagaldur. Ætli hún láti mann bara hverfa inn í einhvern annan heim?
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