LOL snilldin ein…
nei Alan Rickman var ekki í “men in thights” Hann var í Robin Hodd: Prince of theafs sem kom út 1991 og skartaði Kevin Kostner í aðalhlutverki. Mæli með henni.
* Tzipporah starir dreymin út í loftið og rifjar upp bíóferð með mömmu og pabba í Laugarásbíó…. hmm… líklega hef ég ekki farið með mömmu og pabba í bíó síðan þá *
Men in thights var meira svona svar Mel Brooks við þeirri mynd líkt og Spaceballs er svar hans við Star Wars.
En mikil gargandi snilld var þetta
“The Professors finally stumble in. Snape wonders why the hell he he even bothered to show up. And why there aren't any women his own age in the school.”
“Hermione made sure she bought binoculars, large enough to see the surface of freakin' Mars with, to watch the game. ”
“Harry is the hero, even though he really didn't do much. Where's poor Oliver, huh?? Everyone seemed to forget that he fell like a billion feet to the ground after getting hit with a very large object. Scottish discrimination, it is! He's too hot to die - someone go get him, please!”
Þvílík snilld.