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M.O.M.(Minestry of Magic) classification:XXX=Competent wizards should cope.
The Kneazle was originally bred in Britain, though it is now exported worldwide. A small cat-like creature with flecked, speckled or spotted fur, outsize ears and a tail like a lion's, the Kneazle is intelligent, independent and occasionally agressive, though it takes a liking to a whitch or wizard, it makes an exelent pet. The Kneazle has an uncanny ability to detect unsavoury or suspicious characters and can be relied upon to guide its owner safely home if they are lost. Kneazles have up to eight kittens in a litter and can inbreed with cats. Licences are required for ownership as (like Crups and Fwoopers) Kneazles are sufficiently unusual in appearance to attract Muggle intrest.
Skrítið að Hermione sem veit svo mikið hafi ekki áttað sig á því, en Ron er búinn að segja lengi ,,This is not a cat.“ eða eitthvað. Merkilegasta atriðið er undirstrikað.(ef það tókst.)
(Svar við korki sem var minnst á hérna, svar sem ég skrifaði.
þessi síða líka gagnleg <a href=”
http://www.hp-lexicon.org/bestiary/crookshanks.html</a><br><br><a href="
http://www.kasmir.hugi.is/Mariakr“>–Mariakr c”,)</a>
<b>Laugalækjarskóli</b> vann <b>Skrekk</b> árið <b>2003!!</b> Hipp hipp <b>Húrra!</b>