Hér er kenning um að Sirius (gæti) í raun verið á lífi.

I think that in Book 6 or 7, we will find out that Sirius’ brother, Regulus, was the one who really died in book 5. Last Sirius heard was that Regulus had wanted to leave the Death Eaters, so Voldemort ordered him to be killed.Then, according to Luna Lovegood’s dad’s tabloid, someone who looked exactly like Sirius (under the name Stubby Boardman, I believe) was eating dinner with a girl a year later, the night Wormtail committed all the murders. He told the girl he had left public life a year earlier. I think that was the brother, and he was in hiding so Voldemort’s followers wouldn’t find and kill him. 15 years later, Harry comes to save Sirius at the Ministry of Magic, but in the death scene, none of the adults ever call Sirius by name, and Bellatrix only refers to him as “cousin” or the “Animagus Black”- so it could be Regulus. Being an animagus would help him hide for 15 years, too. And if you read the death scene carefully, Harry never gets a good look at Sirius; his face is bloody, and Harry has “watery eyes.” Dumbledore is the only one who actually says that Sirius is dead. Maybe he wants Harry to believe it so he won’t endanger himself further. Also, if Sirius was upstairs helping Buckbeak when Harry talked to Kreacher through the fire, and the rest of the house was empty, how did Sirius catch up with the others to enter the room with the veil at the exact same time? Maybe Regulus was the one with them all along. Perhaps he joined the Order because he knew the Death Eaters won’t have him back. It’s very plausible that he stumbled upon the Order when he came back home to Grimmauld Place. One last thing- Luna Lovegood at the end is looking for her stolen possessions, while Harry is moping about Sirius. Luna says several times for Harry not to worry- she always finds what she lost- it always comes back to her, etc. Is this a little foreshadowing that Sirius will come back? I hope so!!! - Submitted by the Jackson Clan

Fyrir þá sem nenna ekki að lesa enskuna eða eru lélegir í henni þá segi ég hvað þetta er um í stuttu máli.

Greinin segir að það gæti verið að Sirius sé á lífi að í raun hafi bróðir hans Regulus dáið. þetta er ekki fáránleg kenning vegna þess að það eru nokkrar vísbendingar. Í grein úr blaði pabba Lunu er sagt að það hafi sést í mann snæða kvöldverð árið eftir að Sirius Black fór í Azkaban, en hann var undir nafninu Stubby Boardman (gæti þetta hafa verið Regulus?). Í bardaganum í Galdramálaráðuneitinu var Sirius aldrei nemdur á nafn. Þar að auki sá harry hann aldrei almennilega… hann var allur út í blóði og svona. Bellatrix sagði alltaf frændi eða animagus Black. Sá eini sem sagði að Sirius væri dáinn var Dumbledore.