Já, þessi er mjög góður.
Síðan er Polaris einn af uppáhalds höfundunum mínum:
http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=163177ég mæli sérstaklega með “Web of Lies”, framhldinu af því “Web of Lies: Revelations” og “The keeper of secrets”.
Síðan er það náttúrulega “The Draco Triolgy”, eftir Cassandra Claire:
http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Cassandra_Claire/<br><br><b>bugland (höfundur á fanfiction.net) skrifaði:</b><br><hr><i>
Severus Snape petted me. Again. And gave me tea.
I think he likes me.
I licked Snape.
All through dinner, all I could think of was that I had just licked Snape.
Hermione and Ron knew something had happened. They kept looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to tell them. I couldn't. How could I possibly face either of them and say, ‘I licked Snape’?
Já, þetta er Harry að hugsa