Rowling sagði líka að ef hún gerir 8. bókina væri það bara til að koma fram þeim upplýsingum sem hún gat ekki komið fram í hinum bókunum.<br><br><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>Despite his feeling of anxiety, Lupin laughed.
“What?” said Sirius.
“You,” said Lupin. “Being a disciplinarian.”
“I know,” said Sirius gloomily, pausing in front of a large oak door and pulling a ring of keys out of his pocket. “What can I tell him? ‘When I was your age, I never would have dreamed off sneaking away from school in the middle of the night and not telling anyone where I was going, and oh, by the way, there’s a spot on the North Tower that affords an excellent view right into the Ravenclaw girls' showers.'”</i><br><hr>
Þetta er úr fanfic sem heitir “Draco sinister”, eftir Cassandraclaire, sem er hægt að finna á <a href="