eru einhverjir hérna sem teikna HP fanart? Það væri gaman að fá að sjá eitthvað af þeim verkum. Sjálf er ég djúpt sokkin í þetta og teikna eiginlega meira af fanart en original ^^;;
Endilega látið heyra í ykkur.



<i>Severus wondered exactly how many tons of bread crumbs the House Elves swept out of the Great Hall during the course of a school year. No doubt Dumbledore had thought of it as well, Severus thought. He probably saved the crumbs, stored them away in an unused room down in the dungeons and kept them there until winter so the Headmaster could save all the dear little birds in the Forbidden Forest from certain wintry death. Severus snickered sarcastically as he shoved into his first class of the day. One day he would come back from classes and open the door to his dormitory and be buried under a mountain of bread crumbs.<b> -úr Potent Potions eftir Anita Skeeter</b></i