Leifur í öðruveldi neyddi mig til að skrifa sögu á ensku… Það koma svona út… Ber ENGA ábyrgð á villum, þær eru allar, hver eins og einasta á ábyrgð Leifs í öðruveldi. OG svona, enska er þriðja tungumálið mitt, svo að hún er ekki eins sleip og hin tvö:P

There they are, again, in front of The Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville. The old scooby gang, or maybe the new one. At least with some new scoobies.

“Shall we find some seats? In the end as usual?” Hermione said and tried to smile. It was always hard to leave Hogwarts but at the same time it was fun… but still sad.

“Of course…” Ron said and entered the train and the lot did the same thing. They found a compartment and which was almost free… Just Lavender who was sitting there and reading a Muggle magazine with an amazingly hot boy on the front page.

“Lavender, can we sit here?” Hermione asked nicely and smiled.

“Of course… Pravati is in another compartment with her new boyfriend from Slytherin…. And I really don’t want to know what they are doing,” Lavender didn’t look up from her magazine. “He is on his 7th year… what a shame…” she informed them.

“Oh…” Hermione said and didn’t know how to react…

“What gorgeous man is that?” Ginny said and couldn’t take her eyes of the front page. “What an angel!”

“This is Orlando Bloom… the most beautiful man on the planet!” Lavender took a deep breath and smiled dreamily. “My dream adventure would be with him, alone in Venice… and he would be so romantic and he could ride a gondola…”

“And he would fall into the water so you could rescue him?” Ron said ironically.

“Ron!” Lavender yelled angrily. “Why do you always have to ruin everything!”

“Oh, anytime, my lady,” Ron smiled.

“Ron! You really don’t have to be mean,” Ginny looked angrily at her brother. What a fool he was sometimes. “Oh, hi Seamus,” she said suddenly. Seamus was standing in the doorway. “Come in… we were having an excellent talk about Lavender’s dream summer adventure with Orlando Bloom… want to join?”

“Of course. What’s your dream adventure Ginny?” Seamus smiled. Even though Ginny and him weren’t a couple anymore he still liked her.

“Hmm… I don’t know… I think with my dream prince,” Ginny said and looked at Harry. <i>Gosh… he is hot… I really want him… kiss him… hold him… I want him to be mine! Should I kidnap him? And we could be together forever… or should I just be waiting? I really can’t wait anymore for him to notice me… I… love him! </I>“And… I really want to go to… Australia… so we could go and see all the kangaroos and go to the Magical Opera House…”

“And in the end Har… your dream prince would have to call the fire department to put out the fire that is blossing out of your cheeks?” Ron smiled ironically. It would be better if Harry and Ginny were together… at least he trusted Harry. But still… Ron was not sure.

“Ron!” Ginny yelled angrily at her brother. “If you do that again, ruin my dream with some ironic comments, or wanna be ironic comments, I will hex you!”

“Oh… No! My little sister is going to… HEX me! Scared… really, really scared,” Ron said and smiled.

“Ron, what about your dream adventure?” Harry said suddenly. “You know, your dream adventure with Hermione on the beach of Honolulu…”

“I don’t know what you are talking about!” Ron said quite ashamed of him self. His ears were beginning to be red, red as tomato ketchup.

<I>Well… I really like Hermione,</I> Ron thought, <I>but not in that way…or wait… she does have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen… and… her hair… oh, fuck! What if Hermione can read my thoughts? That would be so like her… stop thinking… stop thinking!</I>

“Oh, yes you do…”

“Harry, do you read thoughts?” Ron asked quickly. Sometimes Harry could scare him really, really much… because it was like sometimes he could read his mind.

“No, your fool,” Harry said and threw a chocolate frog into him. “Eat this and tell us about your dream adventure with… your dream princess.”

“No, I wont… but thanks for the frog,” Ron said and ate the frog. Harry and Luna smiled at Ron and enjoyed to watch him eating the chocolate frog. “What?” Ron asked just after he had finished his frog.

“Your fool,” Luna laughed, with her funky laugh. “We putted some truth elixir in this frog…”

“So…” Harry smiled. “How is your dream adventure?”

“On a beach, with Hermione… She does have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen…”

“Ron, that’s enough,” Hermione said tired. “Silencio.”

Ron’s mouth was still moving but no words were coming out of it. But Ginny really wanted to hear some more so she anti hexed him.

“Harry, do you really have to do this?” Hermione said angrily, almost like McGonagall.

“Hermione! Do you really have to be so McGonagall’ishi? Is it possible…”

“Ron! Shut up! I am not like McGonagall!”

“Oh, yes you are!”

“Oh really! Thanks Ron. I know that you are doing your best to be polite but that isn’t working…”

“And when will you get married?” Ginny asked with an extent in her voice. “Can I be the brides maid?”

“Oh, shut up Ginny!” Hermione almost yelled. “WHY do you always, I mean always have to pick on me!”

“We are not picking on you Hermione… we are just making fun of you and Ron, because you look sooo wonderful together,” Ginny said and to her brother, that smiled angrily at her with tomato red face.

“Hey! Guys! Stop fighting. Ok? The only thing that you ever do, when you are not saving the world from ending, is fighting…” Lavender said. “You are so in love with the idea to know everyone’s dream summer adventure, so why don’t we tell our dream adventure to each other, just for fun?”

“Like that idea,” Luna said and smiled. “Except…. We will have to tell our dream adventure with our dream prince… or dream princess… deal?”

“Eh… No?” Harry, Ron and Hermione said on the same time.

“Okay… change of plans,” Luna smiled meanly. She began to write their names on a peace of paper. “Boys and girls… okay, shall we let magic do the couple thingy?” she pointed her wand on the paper and the names began to switch until the names where in a row, two and two together.

“Well…” Seamus said, “How does that work?”

“It’s easy. Harry-Ginny, Hermione-Ron, Seamus-Me and Neville and Lavevnder. So, it’s like Harry will have to tell his dream adventure with Ginny, Hermione her dream adventure with Ron, Seamus about his dream adventure with me and Neville will have to tell about his dream adventure with Lavender,” Luna smiled. <I>It will be perfect, she thought, Seamus is the cutest one in here… everyone does agree that Harry isn’t exactly the cutest one… and Ron’s hair isn’t exactly the cleanest one… and well… Neville is silly, but still cute… Oh… I am so clever!</I>

“Luna…” Harry sighed. “You are… evil, you know… really evil.”

“Well… start! Ginny don’t want to wait all the day to know about your dream adventure with her,” Luna smiled.

“Do I have to?” Harry was in pain right now… Well… Ginny is cute and everything, he thought. <I>But I really don’t think that we two will ever work… But this red hair is really…</I>

“Harry, what does the word “start” mean?” Ron said and smiled, just like Luna, meanly.

“Ok… well… My dream adventure with Ginny would be… in Italy. Verona… and… eh…” Talking about his feelings was not Harry’s strongest part. “Just go out, have some ice-cream and coffee and some Italian food and watch the sunset…”

“Oh Harry… you are so romantic!” Lavender said, with tears in her eyes.

“Ok, Harry, this was cheap!” Ron said. “Very cheap…”

“Ron, don’t be jealous,” Seamus said and smiled.

“Oh, shut up.”

“Well… next… Hermione… how is your dream adventure with Ron?” Luna smiled… it was so fun!

“On the north pole, when I’m in a fabulously warm house and Ron outside freezing?”

“Hermione, seriously… how is your dream adventure with Ron?” Lavender asked quietly.

“Well… that’s my dream adventure with Ron!”

“Well, you could at least give me a good one!” Ron said angrily and his face was, again, beginning to be tomato red.

“Okay, what about… in France? Spend the summer in Paris and sugar and spice and everything nice?”

“Okay, I can deal with it,” Ron said satisfied.

“What’s happening… what’s happening? Do we see some flames and fairies
between Ron and Hermione… I repeat flames and fairies…” Seamus said like a football announcer in the TV.

“Can you people never shut up!?” Hermione yelled.

“Wow… one intense,” whispered Neville, so everyone could hear.

“Oh, thank you Neville…”

“Okay, stop!” Lavender said. “Let’s just be friends, ok?”

“Fine… like I don’t care, but next is Seamus… about… me…”

“Holy… shit…” Seamus said and began to focus on his toes, very anxious. <I>Luna… Loony! She is crazy… how in hell would my dream adventure with HER be? In hell? Or her in the jail and I’m with Lavender… okay, just get it over… stay cool…</I> “I would like to spend my dream adventure with Luna… on a dessert island… so we could just live on tropical fruits and champagne for two weeks.”

“Sweet,” Luna said simply and smiled.

“Oh… that’s you know… like totally sweet,” Lavender said and smiled.

The rest of the lot didn’t say anything.

“Okay… then it is the final story… and it is… Neville…. And he is supposed to tell us about his dream adventure with Lavender,” Luna was dying of excitement in her seat. That was her dream!

“Well… well… well…”

“Neville, out with it!” Ron said and smiled, cruelly.

<I>Oh… fuck! I really must say something… romantic… or what!? Lavender is…OK, she is cute and everything, but I still don’t like her…</I> Neville thought and looked anxious on his friends.

“Well… my dream adventure with… Lavender, is… in… erm… in… Barcelona! Yes… and just, normal wonderful dinner with the whole package. And in the end we would just… walk on the beach… there is beach in Barcelona, isn’t it? Well, who cares… but really…”

“Okay, Neville, it is enough… it was very sweet and everything…” Lavender really didn’t want to hear more. That was just enough.

“So… are everybody happy now?” Luna asked with a smile.
The lot nodded quietly. This game was fun… but just nothing they would like to do for the rest of the way to London…

“What shall we do next?” Luna was still smiling. “We can do ‘I’ve never…’”

“No!” the lot yelled on her at the same time.

“No more question games, ok?” Harry said grumpy.

“Fine… you are just like… dead boring!” Luna said and began to read the Quibbler.

“Great, that’s how it shall be,” Harry answered.

Luna sat there and read the Quibbler for the rest of the way to London, but in the mean time the rest talked about everything in the world, except their dream summer adventure…