Hérna eru upplýsingarnar:
Björninn Streethokkí mót.
í Egilshöllinni
25-26. júní, 2004
25. júní, 2004
95 og yngri
Leikjaplan: http://www.skautaskoli.com/tabliza_92ogYngri.htm
26. júní, 2004
89-og eldri
Leikjaplan: http://www.skautaskoli.com/tabliza_91ogEldri.htm
Reg lur mótsins:
1. All the games are played 3x3 on 1/3 of rink
2. Each game contains 2 periods by 15 minutes running time.
3. Maximum 6 players in each team.
4. Each team will play at least 2 games in the tournament.
5. 1st and 2nd place will get prices.
6. Participation fee for the tournament will be 700 kr per player.
Skráning í mót!
Option 1: Make your teams and send e-mail with names and kennitala to sergei@skautaskoli.com
Option 2: send e-mail with your name and kennitala, and we will put you to the team!!!
Fyrir meiri upplýsingar hringið í 8475366.
Kv, Sergei Zak.
x ice.MutaNt