Logic Pro 7
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RTAS is also an audio plugin format. See software synthesizer.
RTAS, or Run-Time Abstraction Services, is run-time firmware that provides abstractions to the operating systems running on IBM System i and IBM System p computers.
It contrasts with Open Firmware in that the latter is usually used only during boot, while RTAS is used during run-time.
Software synthesizers can run as stand-alone applications or as plugins within other applications.
There are various audio plugin formats that allow implementation of software synthesizers including:
Audio Units Mac only
VST cross platform
DXI (DirectX Instrument), Microsoft's standard Windows only
DSSI based on LADSPA Linux only
MESS based on the MusE sequencer but not limited to it, Linux only
RTAS, based on Pro Tools, Mac and Windows
MAS, based on Digital Performer, Mac and Windows
Nyquist for Audacity or freestanding, cross platform
Windows audio components Windows only
ég er 90% viss um að Pro Tools noti ekki VST heldur RTAS.