Mbox 2 til sölu
Umbeðið verð = 40.000 kr.
Mboxið kostar 46.900 kr. og miðað við að það er ekkert notað þá er þetta samgjarnt verð að mínu mati.
Hægt er að gera verðtilboð en búist við því að ég fari ekki mikið neðar en 40.000 kr.
Tilboð má senda á e-mail: gug30@hi.is
Hvað er til sölu?
Mbox 2 upptökutæki - keypt í nóvember 2006 - er lítið sem ekkert notað! Ég keypti þetta með það í huga að setja upp heimastúdíó en missti svo áhugan á því og hef ekki klárað það.
Pro Tools setup diskur fyrir XP og Mac fylgir með!
Einnig fylgir:
Method One - kennsludiskur - vantar mynd af honum hér fyrir neðan!
Reason Adapted 3.0.1 frá Propellerhead
BFD lite frá Fxpansion
Live Lite 4 frá Ableton
T-rackS EQ, Amplitube LE, og SampleTank 2 SE, frá IK Multimedia
Melodyne frá Celemony
USB snúra til að tengja í tölvu!
Ábyrgðarskrýrteini þar sem allar söluupplýsingar koma fram
ATH. Ég finn ekki notendabæklingin sem fylgdi með, ég er samt enn að leita og fylgir hann með ef hann finnst annars er hægt að nálgast allar upplýsingar á heimasíðu digidesign og pro-tools.
Myndir af því sem er til sölu:

Mbox-ið kemur í kassanum sem það var í upprunalega!

Mynd af framhlið Mboxins

Mynd af bakhlið Mboxins

Mynd af aukadiskum - ATH. Method One kennsludiskurinn vantar á mynd en fylgir með

Mynd af aðaluppsetninga diskunum fyrir Pro Tools - ATH. Vantar vasann fyrir setup diskinn af Pro Tools fyrir XP.

Mynd af ábyrgðarskírteininu sem fylgir með!
Gagnlegar upplýsingar um það sem er til sölu:
Mbox2 frá Digidesign
Mbox® 2 is a next-generation USB-powered audio/MIDI production system that builds on the performance and simplicity of the original Mbox — Digidesign’s most popular personal studio system ever. Featuring a wide range of connection options, including analog, digital, and MIDI I/O, Mbox 2 delivers professional performance in an incredibly compact package. Mbox 2 also includes award-winning, easy-to-use Pro Tools LE™ 7 software, which offers many of the same features that top studios rely on to produce Grammy®-winning albums and Academy Award®–winning film sound. Projects created with Mbox 2 and Pro Tools LE 7 software also open on Pro Tools|HD® and Pro Tools M-Powered™ systems — providing instant compatibility with countless Pro Tools®–equipped project and professional studio around the globe.Heimild:http://www.digidesign.com/index.cfm?navid=29&langid=100&itemid=4893
Reason Adapted
Reason Adapted is a slimmed-down version of Reason, Propellerhead Software's award-winning music production instrument. Although Reason Adapted may not be quite as powerful as its heavyweight champion bigger brother, it's still a fierce fighter that packs a powerful punch! Reason Adapted is distributed as a part of various software bundles and since Reason Adapted is custom made for our partners, the contents of the program will vary with each separate version.Heimild:http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reasonadapted/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=whatisreasonadapted
BFD Lite
BFD is a software acoustic drum module featuring multiple articulations and mic positions, sampled with superior expressive detail. Integrating directly into your sequencer environment, its flexible and intuitive interface allows you unprecedented freedom to build varied and stunningly realistic drum tracks.Heimild:http://www.fxpansion.com/index.php?page=1&tab=2
Melodyne is a multitrack audio recording and editing application that lets you process and manipulate audio files in a revolutionary but musically intuitive way. Melodyne detects the individual notes of a recorded melody and lets you manipulate them — regardless of whether the source audio comprises vocals, solo instruments or percussion — as easily as if they were MIDI. Melodyne lets you arrange and combine existing audio files and refashion sounds using functions that are powerful and precise without ever losing sight of their musical purpose.Heimild:http://www.celemony.com/melodyne/
Live Lite 4
Live Lite 4 software brings much of the flexibility of traditional MIDI sequencing to acoustic recordings:Heimild:http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/ClassroomStudio-main.html
• record simple tracks or complete overdubbed productions
• easy looping allows repetition of passages during practice
• record multiple takes so students hear improvements
• let students practice at slower tempos without changing pitch
• transpose key without affecting tempo
• extremely easy to use—even simpler than MIDI sequencing
Method One kennsludiskur
Designed specifically to help Digidesign Pro Tool system owners make the most of their Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, or Pro Tools M-Powered system, the Digidesign Pro Tools Method One instructional DVD helps users get familiar with the vast capabilities of the industry's most popular digital audio workstation.Heimild:http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PTMethod1/
Digidesign Pro Tools Method One Features at a Glance:
* Offers an expert overview of core Pro Tools software concepts and techniques in a simple, straight-forward manner.
* Covers everything from basic system set-up to advanced topics.
* Provides a strong foundation for Digidesign-certified Pro Tools training course.
* Features examples from both Windows and Macintosh systems.
* 1 hour and 53 minutes, with heavy indexing to find topics easily.
Gagnlegir tenglar:
Heimasíða Hljóðfærahússins
Heimasíða Digidesign
Minni enn og aftur á verðið: 40.000 kr.-
Má senda verðtilboð á e-mail: gug30@hi.is
Er staðsettur á RVK svæðinu - myndi glaður keyra gripinn til nýs eiganda sé þess óskað, annars er hægt að fá að sækja hann eða semja um hlutlausan stað (ef menn eru paranoid);)
Einnig er möguleiki að láta senda hann í pósti ef einstaklingur býr utan á landi!
Þakka fyrirfram,