Hefur einhver áhuga á að kaupa: Evolution MK-149 Midi hljómborð, fjórar áttundir, með Pitch Bend og Modulation. Virkar vel alveg eins og nýtt, með tengi fyrir Exp. pedal.
óska eftir tilboði.<br><br><i>Were just to lost soul swimming in a fishbowl
þetta hljómborð er selt, sorry<br><br><hr> <p align=“center”>Cat's foot iron claw Neuro-surgeons scream for more At paranoia's poison door. Twenty first century schizoid man.
Blood rack barbed wire Polititians' funeral pyre Innocents raped with napalm fire Twenty first century schizoid man.
Death seed blind man's greed Poets' starving children bleed Nothing he's got he really needs Twenty first century schizoid man<br>
-King Crimson- -21st Century Schizoid Man Including Mirrors-
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