LMK Bassahaus, 300 - 500w, Tvær rásir, getur valið milli rása eða blandað þeim saman. 

"Our only two-channel head, the LMK is designed for flexibility. Its unique design allows you to set up different tone, filter and volume settings for two basses (for example an electric and an acoustic). You can also combine two different sound sources from one instrument, or use the amp to amplify your bass along with an auxiliary input such as a drum machine or sequencer---and have complete control of each input!"

http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=68 <------ Nánari upplýsingar um hausinn. 

ásamt Yorkville b115 boxi. 1x 15" keila. 300w.

Skipti inni í myndinni, en kýs pening heldur.

Er líka með 

Peavy Bandit 1x12" 100w magnari á 30 þúsund krónur!!! 
