[is]Ég man ekki hversu margir hafa reynt að búa til tólistarforum og auglýst það á huga, en ég veit að nánast engin þessara spjallborða eru starfandi enn í dag. Sum endast í nokkrar vikur og venjulega eru þeir einu sem posta einhverju þeir sem gerðu síðuna.
[eng]I can't remember how many people have tried to make a forum for musicians and advertise it on Hugi.Is. But I do remember that no forum lasted longer than maybe few weeks, and in most cases the moderator/maker of the forum was the only one who posted anything.
I doubt that you speak any Icelandic tho since you use Google translate for all Icelandic text that you have on the website.
But still, good luck with the forum. Even tho I seriously doubt that it can become popular.
Nýju undirskriftirnar sökka.