POD xt-live –> 20.000
Þetta er ansi skemmtileg græja sem flestir ættu að kannast við, það eru einhverjir aukapakkar sem fylgja með t.d. FX-junky. ATH! Straumgjafinn er USA en læt fylgja með straumbreyti sem lætur þetta allt virka við íslenskar aðstæður. Taska fylgir ekki með.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yskgccMi8Fg
Info: http://line6.com/podxtlive/
Boss DS-1 keeyley mod –> 15.000
Keyptur í USA síðasta sumar, er í fullkomnu ástandi og kemur í kassanum með öllu meðfylgjandi.
Lýsing tekin af síðunni hjá Robert Keeley:
* With the diode Toggle Switch you have the DS-ULTRA! Huge tube like tone, switch back and you have the classic Seeing Eye Mod (SEM) version of the pedal for high gain, tube like distortion!
* Extra mods to increase the distortion range at maximum settings.
* Mods to correct the bass response and give you a fuller, more powerful tone. Perfect for Strats now with this mod!
* Comes with Cool Knobs!
* Toggle Switch Up - Our Standard Seeing Eye Mod.
* Toggle Down - Adds another LED to the clipping circuit for a Large Fat Tone.
The Extra LED increases the volume output of the pedal a bit, great for using the DS-1 as a pre-amp to push the amp or to fine tune a low distortion sound on the unit. The way we engineer the mod, it has increased 2nd order harmonics and tube-like qualities.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6j8yVkI3t4
Info: http://www.robertkeeley.com/product.php?id=10
Boss OD-2 –> 5.000
Þessi er í fullkomnu ástandi fyrir utan nokkrar rispur sem er eðlilegt á 16-22ára gömlum pedal. Veit ekki hvaða ár hann var framleiddur, keyptur notaður fyrir ca. 7 árum.
Lýsing af þessum pedal tekin af BossArea.com:
The OD-2 was created as a replacement for the OD-1 in the mid 1980s. The OD-1 was already legendary so following up to it was in impossible task. The design goal was to create a pedal with two modes. In mode one its sound should be similar to the OD-1 but in the turbo mode it should have more distortion and more gain. A tone control is included to give the user better control over the sound. The OD-2 is built using only discrete components (no integrated circuits).
The OD-2 production moved from Japan to Taiwan late 1988. After the production was discontinued, 1994, the pedal continued its life as the slightly modified OD-2R for another 4 years.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVDBBI4NHb4
Info: http://www.bossarea.com/loadpage.asp?file=boxes/OD2.xml