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er með tvo effekta sem ég pantaði af Proguitarshop.com í lok febrúar. Ákvað að sjá hvað ég gæti fengið annað spennandi, sem gæti jafnvel heillað mig enfrekar, í skiptum áður en þeir fá sinn sess á pedalborðinu og ég byrja að nota þá af viti.
þeir eru semsagt ónotaðir, í kassanum og með öllu sulli.

þetta eru semsagt;

Malekko Analog Vibrato http://proguitarshop.com/store/vibrato-pedals-c-15/malekko-vibrato-p-1530
Malekko Vibrato
The Malekko Vibrato is the all new analog Omicron pedal from Malekko. Featuring analog true pitch vibrato using the discontinued MN3007 BBD chip, the Malekko Vibrato gives an amazing vibrato tone in a tiny enclosure that is perfect for saving space on your pedal board. The Malekko Vibrato has controls for Speed and Depth, pure and simple. The new Omicron series has been sweeping the pedal scene and the Malekko Vibrato stands out as the top of the heap of the Omicrons. Finally a true pitch vibrato pedal that saves space and money, the Malekko Vibrato.
Malekko Vibrato

The Malekko Vibrato sounds fantastic. Full, rich vibrato reminiscent of the old VB-2 is available with true bypass switching and easy to use controls for the musician who needs functionality and tone. A little bigger than a 9v battery, the Malekko Vibrato takes up little space but makes up for its size with huge killer tone. Powered by a 12v power supply, the Malekko Vibrato lights up with big rich sounding vibrato that has never been captured in a pedal this small before. Guitarists, the search for the ultimate vibrato pedal has ended, the Malekko Vibrato.
Malekko Vibrato

* True Bypass Switching
* 9-12vdc Operation
* Does Not Take Batteries
* Space Saving Bantam Enclosure
* MN3007 BBD Chip


Jetter Gear Vibe http://proguitarshop.com/store/vibrato-pedals-c-15/jetter-gear-vibe-p-1327

Jetter Gear Vibe

The Jetter Gear Vibe is a 4 stage, light driven vibe circuit designed to produce those classic vibe sounds in a compact pedal. Each of the 4 stages are electrically matched for a truly balanced sound and each pedal is individually calibrated by Jetter for perfect tone. The Jetter Vibe is the only true 4 stage vibe to be found in a small enclosure and the modern remake of the classic vibe circuit is quiet and balanced with no volume loss due to a true unity gain output. The input is also super high impedance so the Jetter Vibe will not load down your signal.
Jetter Vibe

The Jetter Vibe is smooth and liquid, producing all the classic vibe sounds we love. From Hendrix to Floyd and beyond, the Jetter Vibe has all the bases covered. Jetter Gear spent an entire year on this circuit to provide a vibe that is not only warm and lush but quiet and efficient as well. Your signal stays strong and clear whether the pedal is on or off and there is no coloration involved (except the swirling sweetness of a vibe). Not many companies can boast such a sweet sounding pedal. The Jetter Vibe is a perfect addition to your pedal board, adding great tone and needing little space.
Jetter Vibe Features:

* True Bypass
* Hand Made in the USA
* 9vdc or Battery Operation (Batteries only last about an hour in this pedal so a power supply is recommended)
* High Impedance Input
* 4 Stage Optical Circuit with Electrically Matched Stages
* Pulsating Status LED Indicates Rate and Depth

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