Nei, annars væri ég ekki að spila á hann. Bara fín fyrirsögn til að beina athygli að þessum þræði mínum. En það er hinsvegar skoðun eins einstaklings sem ég rakst á gegnum google. Hérna er dæmi um hvað þetta einstaka tröll segir, notandi á Playstation síðu sem kallar sig The Evil Nick:
“the fact is the bass player is an expendable piece of trash. communities of fans dont get attached to them like any other member of a band. hence why the darkness, disturbed, creed, ETC all kicked out their bass players for cheaper subs and no one even noticed but scott leave creed and justin leaves the darkness and the entire bands have to reform but are never as popular (alter bridge?). cliff died and jason left metallica and you know what the band plays on, if james ever left the band would be done. its just symantics, people dont care, appreciate or notice the bass; i know i was there and if anyone argues than your probably some pubesant kid who wants to ”learn“ (you dont learn bass any retard with 20 mins can learn to play most popular cover songs people would recognize) or some 40+ year old who has played classic rock all his life (where the bass had some decent skill but not nearly as much as guitar, before the bass players realized how worthless they were) and just doesnt want to admit his life was wasted. i wasted a decade; yeah im a bit bitter, but if i can turn one kid away to learn drums guitar or vocals instead and save his self esteem then i feel i have done well. by the way i was covering most primus stuff myself when i put down the bass so dont try and say i wasnt good (not perfectly great, but i was damn good or bands wouldnt have put up with my **bleep**ty attitude).”
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og lesið allt sem þessi bitri fyrrverandi bassaleikari segir. En að sjá svona viðhorf minnti mig á þá klassísku og sennilega útúrjöskuðu umræðu um það hvort sé erfiðara hljóðfæri. Í raun er hægt að færa rök fyrir því að bassi sé erfiðari, en líka um gítar. Hvort hljóðfæri hefur sinn kost og galla, eitthvað er auðveldara við gítar en sumt er auðveldara með bassa. Eins með trommur. Ekkert hljóðfæri er í raun auðveldara, þegar dýpra er pælt í því. Það er eins og að segja að raun eru trommur auðveldar því maður þarf bara að slá á þær með kjuðum, eða píanó er auðvelt því maður þarf bara að ýta á takkana. Hvert er ykkar álit?