læt hér fylgja nokkrar myndir endilega gerið mér tilboð, er ennig opinn fyrir skiptum gibson sg er snilld en ég skoða allt
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hérna er mail sem ég sendi guitarsandeffects.com
Dear G&E.
Here in my hands I have a beautiful Schecter California Custom which I bought second hand last summer. I wish to trade it in for another guitar in your stock (not sure which yet),
although not sure I believe this guitar was made in 1996. I am not sure what the pick-ups are called but I'm guessing they are Monstertones, anyway they sound phenomenal. The guitar is certainly not in mint condition it has minor fret wear plus a few dings and scratches… I can take pictures of them all but didn't fell like it in case you would not express interest.
Asking for 800$
Birds-eye maple neck and fingerboard.
Floyd Rose tremolo/Schecter Deluxe tuners.
Quilted Maple top.
Push/Pull tone button.
5-way switch
Best regard
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