Er með til sölu Orange Tiny Terror combo magnara. Þetta er sem sagt Tiny Terror hausinn inn í boxi með 12" celestion G12H keilu. Nánari upplýsingar á þessum tengli:

Smá lýsing:
“Orange have kept to the same concept in designing the combo version by keeping it extremely compact, with a look very reminiscent of classic 70’s Orange OTR combo’s. As with the head it is competitively priced and most importantly the unique signature tone is every bit as good as the original.

The amp section of the new combo is identical to the Tiny Terror and in designing the speaker section, they used a Celestion 30 watt G12H anniversary speaker.

Built to Orange quality standards, the new combo uses top quality components and it’s roadworthy rugged construction is what you’d expect from an Orange amp.”

S.s. tilvalinn magnari í upptökur, minni gigg og æfingar.

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