Peningasöfnun fyrir afborgun af myntkörfuláninu mínu *sigh*

Til sölu er frábært Hljómborð frá M-audio, mjög gott í öll stúdíó og jafnvel fyrir þá sem vilja meira út úr tónlist.

info: Keystation Pro 88 - 88-Key Hammer-Action USB Bus-Powered Master MIDI Controller

88-note hammer-action keyboard
59 MIDI-assignable controllers; 4 zones
USB bus powered and class compliant
multiple dynamic velocity curves
includes Ableton Live Lite music production software, so you can make music right away

The new Keystation Pro 88 is the first USB master MIDI controller designed specifically to let you perform, program and mix music directly with your computer. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned pro or just ready to take your music to the next level, our 88-key hammer action is so expressive that you simply won’t want to stop playing it. And the complement of 59 (yes, 59) assignable controls delivers more than enough tactile command over your favorite soft synths and digital audio sequencers like Reason and Live. This bus-powered master controller unifies everything you need to experience the full potential of today’s virtual studios—and at a price and weight lighter than you’d expect.

viðbót: Það kom ekki fram í info-inu en hver takki er með vigt í sem lætur það virka meira eins og alvöru píanó, þ.e.a.s. ef ýtt er laust á nótu þá heyrist hún daufar og fast þá hærra o.s.frv.

Hér er mynd :

Með hljómborðinu fylgir - Uno - 1-In/1-Out USB Bus-Powered MIDI Interface


Einnig fylgir með því standur fyrir borðið og straumbreytir.

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