Er með Digitech Whammy ( nýju útgáfuna ) til sölu…..
Hann er sirka 10 mánaða gamall og fylgir með straumbreytir.
Hann kostar um 22 þús nýr en ég set aðeins 16 þús á hann!!!
,,The performance and sound of the new DigiTech Whammy Pedal with MIDI Control are reminiscent of the original red WH-1 Whammy. All the favorite whammy settings that guitar players covet are available again at the touch of a knob. Added is a new Dive Bomb effect, similar to that of a Floyd Rose whammy bar pushed all the way to the body of the guitar. Another new addition is a MIDI-in jack, allowing remote control of effects via MIDI devices. Both type and control are accomplished via MIDI program changes and CC messages respectively. Wet/Dry outputs are provided.''
Ef þið hafið áhuga…endilega sendið mér huga póst