hvernig distortion pedal er gott að fá sér til að fá sem allra ógeðslegastan og þyngstan hljóm?
ef einhverjum dettur einhver spes góður magnari í hug líka þigg ég tillögur…
The legendary Death Metal pedal is by far the most extreme distortion you will ever hear. Simply put, we have turned the gain up to “eleven” and ripped the knob off. Level, Low, Mid, and High tone controls provide flexible tone shaping, so even though this distortion is over the top, your guitar is guaranteed to cut through.
Level boosts the output level of your guitar signal.
Low adjusts boost and cut of bass frequencies.
Mid adjusts boost and cut of
midrange frequencies.
High adjusts boost and cut of high frequencies.
Dual Outputs. The Amp output is for connecting directly to a guitar amplifier. The Mixer output features Cabinet Emulation circuitry for a mic'd up amp tone when connecting directly to a mixing board or recording device.