Til Sölu Eurorack MX 1604A Mixer
•12 Channel inputs
•4 Mono channels
•4 Stereo channels
•2+2 Subgroups
•3-band EQ (mono channels)
•3-band EQ (stereo channels)
•2 aux sends
•8 Channel inserts
•2 track i/o
•+48 V Phantom power
•Includes rack-mounting kit
The MX1604 gives you four mono and four stereo channels plus an impressive set of professional features in a compact yet transparent package. Along with the same high-quality components and ULN circuitry as our large consoles, you get effective, musical 3-band EQ’s (plus low cut in the mono channels), an additional stereo bus, full-fledged PFL/solo-in-place, mute and routing functions, phantom power, two aux sends and two stereo returns, 2-track in/out plus balanced inputs and outputs. All that and more in a box about the size of a laptop computer.
Þessi gripur er ónotaður svo að segja keypti gripin og notaði í 2 vikur eða þar til ég eignaðist Mackie OnyX 1620 mixer
Tilboð sendist á krumm@simnet.is eða í síma 8493788 . en gripurinn fer ekki á lægra verði en 10.000
Mynd af gripinum http://www.sonicsense.com/behrmx1604.htm
Einnig á sama stað er til sölu svona fjarstýring fyrir iPod 4 Gen ( snúru ) á 1500