Er hérna með Forngrip,Single kicker af gömlu Dixon setti, í góðu standi og virkar vel. Eitthvað er nú hægt að stillann á mismunandi vegu.
Ef einhver hefur áhuga að fjárfesta í svona grip þá endilega hafið samband:
<b>Email:</b> <u><a href=“”></a></u><br><br><u>Kv.</u>
Guðmundur Góði
<a href="“><b><font color=”#900000“>Hljómsveitin</font> <font color=”#FF0000“>Translated Mind</font></b></a>
<b>The real lyrics were: </b>
<font color=”#800000“><i>So let us not talk falsely now. The hour is getting late. </i></font>
<b>But I misheard them as: </b>
<font color=”#800000“><i>Some writers were talking falsely now that I was getting laid.</i></font>
<b>The embarrassing moment of revelation: </b>
<font color=”#800000“><i>I discovered this upon listening to the song closely through headphones. </i></font>
<b>Age when I realized how wrong I had been:
</b><font color=”#800000“>17 </font>
<b><font color=”#008000">Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower</font></b>