hefur einhver verslað þar. Ég er nefnilega að fara að eyða 100.000 þar þannig það yrði fínt að vita hvort það er safe :D<br><br>“…I can appreciate the people who want us only to go fast. If you dig those bands, please buy their records and see their shows so we can keep it alive - but don't disrespect the people who paved the way and broke down the doors for so many of the groups you enjoy now. One of the bands that played a big part in that was Metallica. We're the guys that wrote Damage, Inc., Fight Fire With Fire, Whiplash…you name it, we helped invent it. And we can still play it better than anyone. I'll go up against any death-metal band - pound for pound, hour for hour, we'll crush'em. I have great respect for them, but those are the facts.”