Til sölu notaður Boss Metal Zone MT-2. Þessi distortion/fuzz effect er vinsælasti Boss effectinn og er kjörinn í allt þungt og skítugt. Effectinn sjálfur er smá rispaður en virkar fullkomlega..

Hér er umsögn af guitargeek.com:

“If you like your guitar sound with a tinge of scooped-mid madness, or you are dealing with an amp that is undernourished in the distortion department, this is the pedal for you. This little grey box has the power to make you sound like you’re sorta playing through a huge stack of high gain amps. That said, this isn’t going to replace your Marshall or Boogie stack, but for those on a budget, the MT-2 comes pretty darn close as long as you’re not afraid of a little knob twiddling. Don’t let the name lead you to believe this is for metalheads only. The Metal Zone can call up a wide range of distortion flavors that should appeal to anyone in need of a little crunch or sustain. The MT-2’s gain can back off nicely due to a handy 3 band EQ section and a versatile drive knob”

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