Comment frá fyrirliðunum;
TR|seLo: Tonight we have the first of three games in the first Groupstage against Iceland. We know about their strenght. But we didn`t find the time to train very hard for this match. Instead of this we will give our best to win this match. For a GG gl booth.
Iceland|WarDrake: There are 70,413,958 people that populate Turkey and in Iceland we are 300.000, we are outnumbered 23 to 1. However wars are not won by numbers, and they do not come from Vikings like us crazy Icelanders. We play to win, nothing less. Good Luck Turkey. Big thanks to www.tolvuvirkni.is without them we would not be able to partake in the European Nations Championship!
Match Info:
Dags; Fimmtudagur 13.apríl
KL; 19:00
Scorebot; enc.cs1 @ Quakenet
Kort; de_cbble
Tyrkland; HioB, y4sin, cool, Rumil, gob b
Ísland; WarDrake, Vargur, entex, blibb & lazlo