Worldcraft quake 2 editor sem var breyttur?!?
Ég er nokkuð viss um að worldcraft hafi komið út áður en quake 2 kom út…
Og hérna til að ljúka þessum rifrildum um hvort half-life sé quake 1 eða quake 2 vél þá fann ég þetta..
Tekið úr The Unnofficial Half-Life FAQ ( Is Half-Life's Game Engine
Valve originally licensed the source for Quake engine from id Software and they began working on that code around October of 1996. Between October of 1996 till the time they finished Half-Life in October of 1998, they modified, removed, and created about 70% of their Half-Life coding. Not only did they got license for the Quake engine, but also got Quake II engine too.
Það þýðir.. Þeir breyttu Quake 1 vélinni ótrúlega mikið.