Breska liðið TAG hefur lagt upp laupana, liðið Sjálft er ennþá til en AMD hefur ákveðið að hætta að styrkja liðið.

Þetta er mest megnis vegna þess að liðið hefur breytt ört um leikmenn á þeim tíma sem það hefur verið til, og aldrei náð neinum árángri af viti.

Liðið heitir nú Team PC Gamer, eftir Breska Tölvuleikjablaðinu, en liðið vann einmitt AMD sponsorinn í gegnum keppni sem að PC Gamer hélt, blaðið mun hinsvegar halda áfram að styrkja liðið og eftir fremsta megni að aðstoða þá við að ná sér í sponsora.

Fréttatilkynning frá liðinu
TAG Statement 16.12.04

Due to protracted contract negotiations to ensure the long-term success of PC Gamer’s multi-gaming team, we have taken the decision not to compete at the Cyberathlete 2004 Extreme Winter Championships in Dallas this week. While this is obviously a big disappointment, we are sure you will agree that the long-term success of the team is ultimately much more important than our attendance at a single event.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our former sponsors, AMD, for their support and commitment in helping us to establish the TAG team in the past year. But in light of our ambitious plans, both AMD and Future Publishing felt the team would be better served with a more committed sponsor.

Our partners at Future Publishing are committed to supporting the PC Gamer multi-gaming team, and professional gaming in general, and are currently in negotiation with a number of interested parties. The delay in announcing the new sponsor, and a new team name is testament to the amount of interest in the UK's number one professional gaming team.

In the short-term, TAG will continue to compete under the name Team PC Gamer and we will be hoping to build upon our first year’s incredible success.

“PC Gamer is committed to supporting e-sports going forward. The team have come a long way in the past 12 months and everyone is looking forward to taking things on in 2005.“ Mark Sutherns, Technical Editor, PC Gamer

The team’s website will shortly move to

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