Eru einhverjar funcpad músarmottur eftir af pönntunum sem gerðar voru af nokkrum csurum, snoz og einhverjum fleiri sem ég man ekki nöfnin á. Mig bráðvanntar eitt stk. ef einhver getur útvegað mér.
<br><br><B> Qu4Ztor </B>
<img src="“ alt=”Gimli“><p><b>Gimli Gloin's son</b></p><p>If I were a character in <A HREF=”“ TARGET=”_“><I>The Lord of the Rings</I></A>, I would be Gimli, Dwarf, handy with an axe when orcs are about.</p><p>In the movie, I am played by <A HREF=”“ TARGET=”_“>John Rhys-Davies</A>.</p><p>Who would <I>you</I> be?<br><A HREF=”“>Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test</A> with <A href=”“>Perseus Web Survey Software</a></p>
-Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it. <font size=”1“> <font face=”Arial black“>Abraham Lincoln
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