Takið það rólega, þetta kemur örugglega á morgun. Samt, þeir rústuðu Irc party sem að þeir skipulögðu og allt með þessu, þetta gerðist líka við DoD Beta 2.0 (eða var það 2.1?). Þeir eru mjög óheppnir við það, þessir menn :)<br><br>[Necro[J]Shelob - “Alltaf fyrstur með fréttirnar” -RazhowR
“Great horns she had, and behind her short stalk-like neck was her huge swollen body, a vast bloated bag, swaying and swagging between her legs, its great bulk was black, blotched with livid marks, but the belly underneath was pale and luminous and gave forth a stench. Her legs were bent, with knobbed joints high above her back, and hair that stuck out like steel spines, and at each leg’s end there was a claw.”
Tekið úr meistaraverki JRR Tolkiens, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Hér er ófreskjunni Shelob lýst.
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand, like a lizard on a windowpane