NEI, ætlið þið að láta Steam á Fortress? Steam er sljótt! Það er hörmung að nota það, sérstaklega fyrir 56k notendur. 80% CS spilara eru n00bar sem að kunna ekki að ná í Steam og þess vegna tæmast serverarnir. Það er hægt að ganga of langt til að fá svindllausa servera… <br><br>[Necro[J]Shelob
“Great horns she had, and behind her short stalk-like neck was her huge swollen body, a vast bloated bag, swaying and swagging between her legs, its great bulk was black, blotched with livid marks, but the belly underneath was pale and luminous and gave forth a stench. Her legs were bent, with knobbed joints high above her back, and hair that stuck out like steel spines, and at each leg’s end there was a claw.”
Tekið úr meistaraverki JRR Tolkiens, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Hér er ófreskjunni Shelob lýst.
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand, like a lizard on a windowpane