np :D, það er erfitt að finna eitthvað um HLTV á netinu. Þetta er svo nýtt og fólk er bara að uppgötva núna hvað þetta er frábært forrit.
Hér er annað svar frá honum sem getur kannski hjálpað:
“I've run 4 HLTV proxy's recording from my P3 800 a few times before and demo's have been fine. This was done over a cable connection of approx 512k. So going by that, I doubt that recording 1 demo at a time should really be an issue as far as CPU or bandwidth usage is concerned.
When playing on a game server overseas, what sort of pings/ packetloss do you usually get? I might be that the jerkyness is stemming from packetloss due to a crappy connection somewhere. I which case, there's really not much else you can do that I'm aware of.
It may be worthwhile to have a play with these settings in your HLTV…
rate - bandwidth rate the game server sends data to the proxy in bytes/second
updaterate - updates per seconds send from game server to proxy
fakeloss - simulates packet loss, n = probability of a missing unit (default 0.0) ( Just incase you accidently changed this value once in the past )
Some Command line parrameters which may be of some help…
-bufferlength - sets proxy buffer size in seconds. The broadcasting delay must be smaller than this value. By default 120 seconds are buffered.
-maxfps - sets maximum system cycles per seconds (default 100)
-cachesize - frame cache size (default 32 frames)
I suspect that all the above settings are fine if you can record easily from a local server, but as you said, rate and update rate may be worth taking a look at. Exactly how high is your ping??
( Oh, btw, you should be able to run the proxy and the game off the same machine without any worries )”
Hann segir að ef þú ert með góða tengingu, þá ættiru ekki að hafa nein vandamál. En ef serverinn sem þú tengir á er hægur, þ.e.a.s mikið packetloss, þá er ekki mikið hægt að bæta. Marr gæti kannski fiktað eitthvað í þessum stillingum sem hann taldi upp :D<br><br>kv.
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